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Underground Utility Locating -

Privately-owned underground utility locating - Outside the building or under the slab - for saw-cutting,casino_dig_05.JPG (9583 bytes)
trenching and other construction activities – "the stuff Blue Stake doesn’t do"

Pipe locating - Natural gas, metallic water, compressed air, and other types of plumbing and commercial / industrial gas and chemical process lines.

Sewer and waste line locating
- non metallic AND cast iron sewer lines – for repair or tie ins – or to pinpoint stoppages and other problems.

Electric and communications line or conduit locating -
electric, phone, CATV, data, and others. Location can be provided on empty PVC electric conduit 1/2 inch diameter or larger.

Septic tank / drywell locating
- for transfer of property certification, system avoidance, or routine pumping and maintenance.

CAD utility mapping - detected underground utility systems can be added to your site plan.


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